(+91) 95466 38434 xavierdumka@gmail.com 95466 38434

Internal Complaint Committee

This college has zero tolerance for any form of harassment, exploitation, ragging and so on and hence we had a protocol for protection of Minors and Vulnerable adults. All those who join the institution were asked to sign and submit an affidavit promising full cooperation and compliance of this protocol. Now that the UGC has suggested a different name for the same, we convert that protocol into Internal Complaints’ Cell. Its purpose is to prevent, prohibit and redress any sexual harassment of women employees and students in the college campus.

We follow the UGC regulation 2015 for prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women and students in this college. The constitution, process, conducting of enquiry, interim redressal, punishment and compensation and all other matters related to this aspect will be covered by the UGC regulation on prohibition, prevention and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in colleges Regulation 2015.

The committee will have the following as members:

Name Designation Phone Email
1 Dr. Usha Kiran Tudu Head of the committee 8957052863 ushakiran105@gmail.com
2 Dr. Mahesh Deo Member 8292366282 mahesh.deo@gmail.com
3 Dr. Rajendra Roy Member 9905166099 drrajendrakrroyy60@gmail.com
4 Mrs. Sunodi Soren Non-Teaching Staff 9006988098
5 Miss. Varsha Rani Kisku Student Member 9142266038
6 Sr. Priya NGO Member 8447251158
7 Mrs. Anamika Soren Member 9709147839